Arianna Carossa - Manifattura Giuseppe Mazzotti 1903 Albisola

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Arianna Carossa

A ?
arianna carossa
Arianna Carossa is a New York’s artist based. In 2010 she moved to New York and since then she continued her research in the United States, developing parallel projects in Europe during the same time. For many years, at the center of her research there has been the object: intended as raw material to be reinvented, a process rooted in Arte Povera, completely reinterpreted. Common materials and pieces of furniture, ceramics and paintings are reassembled in a personal way, reflecting on universal themes. As of today, without losing sight of the object, her focus shifted to the loss of imagination caused by reality being fully revealed; after the publication of the book “The aesthetic of my disappearance”, launched in 2014 by the MoMA / PS1, her attention focused to performing art related to the object, making the audience familiar and uneasy at the same time.
The work of Carossa is exposed in many Museum and Foundation around the world Documenta 11 ,Kunstbalkon Kassel, Documenta 11, Kassel, Germania, Frieze NY 2013, MACRO Museum (Roma, Italia), Galata Museum (Genova, Italia), Foundazione per l arte  Contemporanea , Castello di Rivara Torino, Italia, Spallanzani Museo di Reggio Emilia, Italia, Vittoriano Roma, Italia, Museo Archeologico Castel San Giorgio La Spezia, Italia, Lower Manhattan Council, New York; Moma/ps1 New York;  Fondazione Antinori, Firenze, Italia, Vittoriano, Roma.

IT: +39 3471866348
US: +1 9293301166

arianna carossa
arianna carossa
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